Chamomile is a famous herb. Its genus includes more than 70 varieties. It is known in Europe and North Asia, in cultivated fields, gardens, hillsides, in temperature zones. For the common chamomile type, the flowers are divided in different ‘heads’ and look like a daisy. Its name means apple (mile < milo=apple in Greek) which is on the ground (chamo = down on the ground in Greek). It is an herbaceous plant and lives just for one year. It is an aromatic and medicinal plant. Its height can reach up to 60cm with pteroidal leaves and little white flowers. It has a smooth stem and many branches. It thrives in places with calciferous, neutral or slightly alkaline grounds and needs heat and sunlight.


Chamomile contains essential oil, flavonoids, coumarins, choline, tannins, antimicrobial acid. It also contains silicon, calcium, magnesium and potassium salts.


Other uses:

It can be used as a make-up remover.

It is used as a basic ingredient in many cosmetic, cleansing and moisturising products.

It can be used for highlights in light brown or blonde hair types, if you use the German drinking chamomile after rinsing when you wash your hair.

It can calm and relief intense emotional issues.

It helps against insomnia, worrying and neurological tension.

It helps to calm you in cases of stress, migraines, neuralgia and dizziness when at the same time it is antispasmodic.

It helps in healing wounds, burns and it sooths eczema symptoms.

It has a strong effect against different inflammations, including intestinal infections, eye, skin and bowel inflammation, mouth ulcer, gum disease.

It boosts the immune system. It increases the production of white cells which help the function of the immune system.

It has a strong antiseptic and anti-irritant action, as well as an action again infection of the stomach, which protects it from ulcers.

It has important actions against fever and allergies.

It is an emmenagogue herb and helps with menstrual pain. In cases of gynecological issues, like cramps, chamomile can sooth the pain. Even in cases of vaginitis, chamomile washes can sooth the symptoms.

It alleviates the pain of children’s teething and rheumatic pains.

Chamomile decoction can help with bloating and annoying gas, as well as sooth the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

It reduces the levels of sugars in the blood and increases the glycogen storage in the liver. This helps with regulating hyperglycemic and diabetic symptoms.

It increases appetite in cases of anorexia.

It can be helpful in cases of hyperactive and restless children.

It helps against gingivitis (and oral thrush) and it can be used for eye washes (in cases of pain in the eyes or barley eye). It can reduce dark eye circles and puffiness around the eyes.



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